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The Founder of China's Premier Cosmetic Embroidery Empire: JiaYuXiangMei's Chairman Secures Multiple
2024-12-19 13:56 来源: 未知 编辑: 系统采编 点击:
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 The 2024 Asia International Brand Festival, along with the 10th Anniversary Inauguration Ceremony of the International Beauty & Health General Union (IBH), commenced with a grand opening on November 18 at the AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong.

This prestigious assembly, attracting nearly a thousand business elites, stands as a landmark event in the industry. Its impact is felt far and wide across Asia, garnering significant attention from various sectors.

His Excellency Mr. Andrew Leung, Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, conveyed his special congratulations through a message. Using the elegant phrase "A Decade of Diligent Work, Blooming Grace and Splendor," he expressed his heartfelt congratulations and strong support for the event.

International Event, Radiant with Brilliance

The Asia International Brand Festival is a congregation of renowned international brands from Asia, dedicated to honoring those who have made exceptional contributions in the realms of business innovation, quality, market influence, and social responsibility. It strives to advance the industry, shape consumer trends, and establish industry benchmarks.

During this illustrious occasion, Mr. Kin Tak-Wah, Chairman of JiaYuXiangMei, was bestowed with the "2024 Asia International Outstanding Male Entrepreneur Award".

At the same time, Mr. Kin Tak-Wah was also conferred the title of Senior Honorary President of the Hong Kong Chapter of the International Beauty & Health General Union (IBH).

These honors are not only a high recognition of Mr. Kin Tak-Wah's personal leadership and influence, but also an affirmation of JiaYuXiangMei's outstanding achievements in brand building in Asia and globally, further solidifying its leadership position in the industry.

Craftsmanship Builds Dreams, A Legend in the Beauty Industry

In 2002, driven by an immense passion for the art of cosmetic embroidery and a relentless pursuit of aesthetics, Mr. Kin Tak-Wah founded the JiaYuXiangMei Group, beginning a legendary chapter in the industry.

After two decades of dedicated work, the company now boasts several well-known cosmetic embroidery brands such as Qi Xing Xiang Xiu (Seven Stars Embroidery), Lan Xin Xiu (Orchid Heart Embroidery), and Yuan Sheng Mei (Native Brow). It has established business partnerships with 34 brand-licensed companies located across 34 provinces, municipalities, and over 200 prefecture-level cities in China. JiaYuXiangMei, in collaboration with more than 50,000 beauty salons, has provided premium cosmetic embroidery services to over ten million clients in the beauty industry.

Mr. Kin Tak-Wah has not only led the steady progress of the Jia Yu Xiangmei Group over the past 22 years but has also held multiple significant positions in the industry, including the Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Beauty and Cosmetics Industry, the Vice Chairman of the Medical Aesthetics and Tattoo Branch of the China Plastic Surgery Association, and the Executive President of the Asian Tattoo Association. These roles highlight his exceptional leadership and responsibility in the business field.

His innovative "Three Experts Serving One Master" model has allowed skilled artisans to focus on their craft without the worries of business, resolving the eternal contradiction between "craftsmanship" and "business". The "One Embroidery, One Belt, One Road" initiative, which he has led, has enhanced the public image of those in the beauty industry.

Innovation Drives, A New Chapter Begins

Mr. Kin Tak-Wah's success, along with that of JiaYuXiangMei, stems not only from hard work but also from a dedicated pursuit of beauty and art. He has adopted the brand philosophy of "Lan Xin Xiu - Enhancing Beauty and Happiness," guiding the group to continuous breakthroughs in technological innovation and aesthetics, and propelling the industry forward.

The company, centered around its customers, focuses on service and technology, boasting a research and development team of over a hundred members, with an annual investment in R&D exceeding ten million. This ensures that its services and technology maintain a leading position within the industry.

This year's latest innovation, the JiaYuXiangMei Aesthetics 5.0, has been met with a warm response from clients and partner stores upon its launch. Numerous customers have reported that through this personalized service, they have found the most suitable look for their eyebrows, eyes, and lips, and have been able to present their most beautiful selves.

Looking ahead, under the leadership of Mr. Kin Tak-Wah, JiaYuXiangMei will continue to drive innovation and delve into the fusion of aesthetics and science. We are dedicated to providing customers with an exceptional aesthetic experience that shapes not only external beauty but also inspires inner happiness.

JiaYuXiangMei is steadfast in its pursuit of the noble vision: "Beautifying a woman, happiness a family, harmonizing a society." Through ongoing innovation and quality service, we aim to advance the industry and create a brighter future.

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